How can I become a member?
What is the Chamber of Engineers?
What we do for young engineers!
What we do!

What we do for young engineers!

Students can become "prospects"!

Each engineering student of a German University or University of Applied Sciences has the opportunity to file an application for becoming a prospect of the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers. The Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers keeps a list of prospects and thus allows students for benefiting from a "trial membership" at an early stage. During such registration period, they can make use of the same services of the Chamber of Engineers as its members!

Professional title "Engineer"

The Engineering Law of Saxony-Anhalt consistently supports the Bologna Process â?? the universities are responsible for the award of the academic degrees "Bachelor" and "Master"; the Chamber of Engineers is responsible for the professional title "Engineer" according to the law. On request, the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers can issue a certificate authorising to use the professional title "Engineer" for German and foreign qualifications of university graduates in the fields of natural sciences and technology, provided that all requirements are met.

Promotion of civil engineering education

Being a member of the German association GeFöBau e.V. (German Association for the Promotion of the Civil Engineering Education), the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers supports the appreciation and public award of above-average academic achievements and outstanding bachelor and master theses in civil engineering studies.

Competitions for young talents

Youth competitions honour special achievements and skills, and arouse interest in natural sciences and technology.

The Chamber of Engineers has supported the regional competition "Jugend forscht und Schüler experimentieren" (Youth researches and pupils experiment) for many years by awarding a special price of the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers.

Together with the Chambers of Engineers of other German Länder, the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers organises creative school competitions for young engineering talents ("Gut durchDACHT", "IDEENspriNGen") on both a regional and a national level.

The aim of supporting and honouring the young competitors is to get pupils and adolescents enthusiastic about such topics on the long term and to support their future career plans beyond the competitions.